Here are some of Albert Rose's papers which show the interchangeability between Spatial Resolution and Contrast to Noise for Detail Visibility in an Image.
A unified approach to the performance of photo-graphic film, television pickup tubes and the human eye
A. Rose, J.Soc. Motion Pict. Eng.47, 273–294 (1946)
The sensitivity performance of the human eye onan absolute scale
A. Rose, J. Opt. Soc. Am.38, 196–208 (1948)
Television pickup tubes and the problem of vision
A. Rose, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics,L.Marton, ed. (Academic, New York, 1948), Vol. 1, pp. 131–166
Quantum and noise limitations of the visual process
A. Rose, J. Opt. Soc. Am.43, 715–716 (1953)